Dienstag, 12. Oktober 2010

Vital Signs

Hey there everybody! Today I am going to release all of you who were waiting for my new blog-post. I know you couldn’t think of anything else so I am doing you guys the favor so give some vital sign ;-)
As you know I had a week of holiday and I really enjoyed them. Even though I am quite enjoying staying at my host-family (there are ups and downs of course) it was quite nice to see to enjoy the city as long as I wanted to without thinking about “will I be home on time” or “do I have to eat art home”. Wandering to around the streets of one of the most exciting cities in the world, searching for small alleys where you find so many so unique shops or restaurants and of course…exploring Shanghais night-life. Since my last stay in Shanghai 2007/2008 something changed about nightlife. The huge clubs were dominating the scene and small and as well good clubs were seldom to be found. Nowadays it has changed: More and more smaller so called “underground clubs” opened and established. But enough…I don’t want to disappear into enthusiasm for SH´s nightlife.

Something changed at work. I actually have a task!;-) Last Friday was my first work-day after the holiday and I talked with my boss Summer about what I am going to do the following 8 month. The result was that I am going to work with a school project featuring lessons about a newly constructed “Eco pond” and the general awareness for the environment. The “Eco pond” was build with an initiative by “Green Oasis” (the NGO I am working for) and two Shanghainese schools. During this project the schools change their old school ponds into environmental friendly ones.

The main problem of the old ponds was that they getting dirtier over time and it were expensive to exchange the water frequently. The water was getting this dirty in the first place because the feed for the Koi in the pond that they didn’t eat was left in the water. So the non-eaten feed worked like a kind of fertilizer to algae in the pond. So after a while many algae in the pond where “stealing” the fishes oxygen and they were making the water look dirty. AND of course (otherwise it wouldn’t be to consider to change into an “Eco pond”) the costs for changing the water were high.

Long story short…I am going to become some kind of a teacher for environment subjects. I wouldn’t imagined that when I left good old Germany. But you never know, maybe it´s my dream job but I don’t know about it yet…hopefully not!;-) Even though I might won´t be a teacher for my whole life I am looking forward for this task, even when it´s just for having something to do other than writing for my magnificent blog…;-)

Tomorrow me and my boss, who will be teaching with me together if I got it right, will be visiting the school for the first time. So I am going back to high school…again! Thought I left  that s**t behind me…

So be tensed how my day in the school was and what is happening on the weekend! Got a HUUUGE highlight coming up!

Take Care

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