Since I live on the 11th floor of an apartment building I have to take an utterly slow elevator every morning and evening when I go to or come from work. Two facts about this elevator are really remarkable. The first fact is his speed. It is so damn slow that I sometimes think it would be faster to take stairs backwards or to crawl them downstairs. Anyway…the second fact is the smell in the elevator.
The dear elevator can offer two fragrances: Urine or cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke comes in two sub-fragrances: Fresh and strong or cold and pungent.
Every time I enter the elevator there is some guessing, betting, speculations and so on even international parliament debates about which fragrance will say “Welcome back” or “Goodbye” to me. I normally go with “Eau de Urinal” in the morning and in the evening go “Eau de Cigarette”. Why? Easy to explain:
Chinese people are notorious early wake-ups. Why? Well, lets say it takes approximately 10 hours to get to work and if they don’t want to be late they should get up early enough to be stuck in a traffic jam for 2 hours and still make in time for work. As its common knowledge that Chinese people are NOT a population of zipper-headed supermen (I don’t want to be a racist, I am only quoting Clint Eastwood in “Gran Torino”…and honestly don’t know how to call people with narrow eyes properly without describing them like I do now), so they don’t get along with 2 hours of sleep every night. It is only natural that once in a while they more or less unintentionally fall asleep and what is better than a nap on the long way down to the first floor. Since in all the hurry some of the people forget to use the bathroom in the morning to “pass water” it is hard to control oneself so…lets say sometimes there are accidents about controlling the need to go to the bathroom and its is scientifically proofed that it is even harder to control that need during a slow elevator ride. It sounds really unbelievable, doesn’t it?
But what else could there be as an explanation for this urine note in the elevator? Should someone intentionally urinate in elevator? This guy must have a really boring life to do it over and over again!
Not to the “Eau de Cigarette”: Chinese people are not only notorious early wake-ups but also notorious smokers. Actually it is pretty understandable if you take a look at the price of the cigarettes. The cheapest ones are something like 4 RMB (46 Cents) the pack + lung cancer after two cigs. So after work the occasional “After work-cigarette” light up everywhere and since there is no such thing as “no smoking areas” it is totally common to smoke in such places like restaurants, pubs, supermarkets and of course: elevators. Sleeping in the morning doesn’t leave time to light up a cig in the elevator so in the evening it is even more appreciated. Some people even say it the smell of smoke covers the smell of “passed water”.
No you know why I go with “Eau de Urinal” in the morning and “Eau de Cigarette” in the Evening!
But why am I even writing about this?
Simple! There was a surprise this morning.
Someone actually made the effort to clean the elevator properly and it smelled wonderful like “Eau de Fleur”. I was so shocked that I thought that I HAD to tell you about it.
If I won´t forget it I will start counting today what fragrance will occur and will tell you at the end of the year :-)
Maybe I will forget it but maybe not…be tensed!
Friday is New Years Eve so I think you will also totally be tensed about my experiences of an Chinese Western New Years celebration! Till then